The Context and Development of Rural Construction in China
If the shoe doesn’t fit, it is a mistake to change the foot, but in essence this is what occurred in 20th-century China, in the context of rural construction Motivated by self-preservation, nationalist forces in China resisted the hasty, indiscriminate and harmful importation (indeed, imposition) of western influences, but these external influences ultimately predominated over traditional domestic practices Radical ideologies evolved, destroying traditional construction methods while promoting ill-conceived, but ostensibly “modern” counterparts, or chaotic syntheses of old and new
The City’s New “Trinity” in Contemporary Shanghai
The reestablishment and expansion of the residential real estate market from top to bottom was very rapid In Shanghai, in less than 20 years the new market became one of the “pillar” [Pillar industries are those deemed strategic to the economy in terms of defense, job creation, technology, or competitiveness – trans ] industries of the local economy By 2009, the real estate market was a leading driver of economic recovery in the post credit crunch period, pulling the entire Chinese economy out of stagnation The total amount of wealth that it created measured by currency was even more remarkable
Politics of Translation
In mainland China “1980s” has been regarded as a “golden period” of translation, especially of the translation of literature and social science For example, more than 5000 Chinese translations of social science were published from 1978 to 1987, it’s about 10 times as many as the past 30 years
The social economy of new rural reconstruction
This paper employs the concept of ‘social economy’ to reflect on the authors experiences in rural reconstruction efforts in Mainland China, including work on peasant cooperatives and community-supported agriculture In practice, the social and the economic can never be clearly separated Economic problems, which may superficially appear to be independent, are in fact over-determined by all kinds of social and cultural factors, so a holistic perspective of ‘social economy’ is needed to re-embed the economic into its social context
Alternative responses to "the modern dream"
Adopting the trope of ‘the modern dream,’ this essay1 sets aside the conventional ‘epic’ of modernization and gestures toward an alternative modernization based on the perspective of ‘sannong – the rural problem in three dimensions: village communities, agriculture and the peasantry ’2 Modernization is a ‘dream’ not only because of the gap between its promise and reality, nor because of the physical and intellectual violence of colonialism and urban elitism hidden behind its ‘perfect’ and ‘neutral’ facade
Cross-Cultural Communication
Cultural communication is rooted in fusion: multicultural fusion requires that incoming cultures participate in various cultural activities at their place of arrival, such as cementing collaboration with local universities, reinforcing cooperation with local social groups, and strengthening collaboration with civil forces and local governments, and so on, thus allowing the incoming culture to become an important component of the local cultural milieu The successes and difficulties that the Confucius Institutes have encountered in the course of their establishment can serve as illustrative examples of this process
From Architecture to Advertising
This article intends to explore the relationship between the mainstream ideology formed in Mainland China since the 1990s, and the real estate market and its related advertising industry, by taking Shanghai as an example
Three Tough Questions of Cultural Studies
There were two driving forces behind this phenomenon The first was a need generated within the academic and university establishment From the early 1980s, the academic establishment in China became a faithful follower of European and US academic trends This narrowing of international focus was relatively new: while the Chinese intellectual world has been influenced by the West since late 19th Century, until the 1940s “the West” was understood to encompass more than simply “Europe and the USA” and in the early 1950s there was even a mood for upholding the Soviet Union and downplaying the importance of Western Europe and the US
The “Third World” in early modern Chinese thought
In this essay, I trace two aspects of the thought on the “Third World” in early modern China: how to understand the world revolution, and how to create a new China While focusing on two trendy notions at that time, i e
China’s New State Ideological Apparatus
The combined momentum of the two aspirations facilitated the spread of the reform in 1980s But the discrepancies between them led the reform to the oscillation between two models—the “Eastern European Model” initiated by lessening cultural and political controls and the “Singapore Model” of capitalist economy under political autocracy
“Englicization” under the flag of internationalization
Today s higher education in mainland China is commonly seen as being unable to meet the needs of the society Among the methods chosen by the Central Government to improve the quality of education, a reform named as “Internationalization” has been strongly implemented in a top-down way since the early 2000s
The concept of “Asia” in modern China
In mainland China, “cultural studies” is a relatively new phenomenon of less than ten years history “Inter-Asia” is even more foreign to the people Since year 2000, some Korean scholars (first) and Japanese and Chinese scholars have begun organizing modes of exchanging thoughts and ideas that were based on the concept of a core “Northeast Asia ” However, compared to the Japanese and Korean scholars, Chinese scholars have not responded enthusiastically to these events
Curriculum Reform in the Course of Social Transformation
Curriculum reform is an important reform for China in the course of its social transformation since its inception in 1996 With curriculum reform as its core, the current education reform has a decade-long history Internally, the objectives of the current round of education reform by the state government are in support of the ‘socialist market economy’ and ‘the economic development’ for the restructuring of the social fabric
What is the Basis of Effective Self-Criticism?
As one of the conveners of "Self-Criticism ", cultural-studies researcher Luo Xiaoming ponders upon the complexity of practising "self-criticism ", demonstrating its (im)possibilities and aspects presented in different times In Luo s essay, historical and contemporary anxiety is regarded as the very premise to tackle this significant concept
The changing literary environment for rural junior high school
This essay presents a case study of the current literary environment for rural junior high school students at Xiang Yi in Shandong Province of the People’s Republic of China, focusing on literary resources available in family, school, and the local community
Unsettled “structure of feeling” of Chinese migrant workers
The suffering, struggling status and controversial political identity of Chinese internal migrant workers have put them in the academic spotlight for decades An abundance of literature has analysed the problems faced by Chinese migrant workers from mainly three theoretical perspectives However, not enough attention has been paid to migrant workers’ subjective understandings and feelings about their work and lives
Love in The “Post-Revolution” Period
This essay is going to discuss how the culture of literature in 1990s forms its own characteristics in the narration of love After returning its historic scenes by studying this process, I grasp the culture in 1990s and the Structure of Feeling In the first dimension of grasping the structure of feeling through the narration of love in 1990s, I analyze the historic narration of love in the revolution period, and therefore describe “an atmosphere of post-revolution” which results in the conscious and unconscious experiences in this period One type of love is totally denied that attempted to be produced naturally in a more general prospect of realizing human beings’ idealism