Syllabus Framework - Researchers and Projects - 当代文化研究
Researchers and Projects > Syllabus Framework
Syllabus Framework
Methodology of Cultural Studies
Syllabus Framework for Graduate Courses of Shanghai University
Course Code:             Credit Hours: 40         Credits 4       

Course Name: Methodology of Cultural Studies

Department: Department of Cultural studies

InstructorGAO Ming

1.  Purpose of the Course: 
The course highlights the critical perspective and the inter-disciplinary characteristic of cultural studies while it introduces the basic research methods in the fields of humanities and social sciences.

2. Teaching  Objects:  
The course helps post-graduate students grasp basic research methods as well as understand the epistemological considerations of cultural studies. The course aims to prepare students with the capacity to develop their own research designs for their dissertations.

3. Teaching  Content: 
The course covers the following topics: Ontology and epistemology, Qualitative and quantitative, Cultural Studies: critical perspective and inter-disciplinary studies, Research design, Text, context and discourse, Interview and focus group, Participant observation and ethnography, Grounded theory and writing culture, Participatory action research.

4. Assessment Method: Course essay

5. Required Texts: 

Bryman, Alan, 2001, Social Research Methods, Oxford University.

Hall and Jefferson, 1975, Resistance through Rituals, Routledge.

Saukko, Paula, 2003, Doing Research in Cultural Studies: An Introduction to Classical and New Methodological Approaches
(Introducing Qualitative Methods series), Sage Publications Ltd.

Whyte, William Foote, 1993, Street Corner Society, University of Chicago Press.

Willis, Paul, 1981, Learning to Labor: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs, Columbia University Press.

6. Teaching  Methods: Lecturing and Seminar Discussion

