The Political Feelings and Praxes among Canned Generation - Researchers and Projects - 当代文化研究
Researchers and Projects > The Political Feelings and Praxes among Canned Generation
The Political Feelings and Praxes among Canned Generation
A Case Study on Facebook Chartlet War
The Canned Generation has been declaring their positions by the Facebook Chartlet War, a way of expression with both carnival and solemn implications, on topics related to China’s sovereignty and territories However, how is the agreement on the Facebook Chartlet War established among the Canned Generation? What is the understanding on politics by the Canned Generation? How is such kind of understanding on politics affected? Such key points are yet under adequate analysis
 Master                       2017 Thesis                                              

The Political Feelings and Praxes among Canned Generation:
A Case Study on Facebook Chartlet War
( “罐装世代”,政治感觉,“表情包大战”,意识形态 )

BI Wenhao ( 毕文灏 ) 


The young Chinese Mainlanders have been living in a safe and harmonious social circumstance since the late 2000s. Benefited from the economic growth, they are able to get involved in the global mobility by studying, traveling or shopping abroad. They also get used to update their knowledge by using the Internet. On the other hand, the framework of their understanding is deeply affected by patriotism education and ideological and political education by the Chinese administration. The collective personality of those young Chinese Mainlanders who experience such social-historical backgrounds and pay close attention to international/regional affairs online is hereafter called the Canned Generation.

The Canned Generation has been declaring their positions by the Facebook Chartlet War, a way of expression with both carnival and solemn implications, on topics related to China’s sovereignty and territories. However, how is the agreement on the Facebook Chartlet War established among the Canned Generation? What is the understanding on politics by the Canned Generation? How is such kind of understanding on politics affected? Such key points are yet under adequate analysis.

Focusing on the Facebook Chartlet War, the dissertation reorganizes the posts and comments, discusses the genesis, process and effects of the self-organizing by the Canned Generation, reveals their value preferences, and portrays their political feelings. The economic and political-social stability has inferred that not only the progress in sports, manufacturing, science and technology, has become part of the national pride/honor, but the country and its governing system as a whole turns out to be unchallengeable in the Canned Generation’s understanding, which somehow leads to the victim complex of being insulted, humiliated, aggrieved or irritated if China has failed to be “strong”. The idea of “not letting the country down” has voiced stronger when China is involved in conflicts, and has lead to the war metaphor. It is argued that the understanding and expression of the Canned Generation has been broadened and deepened by their creative self-organizing on the Internet, yet the vagueness of believing in such expressions shows the domination of China’s official ideology.

